Order Crowlers at https://badweatherbrewing.square.site
Our Keller Pils or Kellerbier which means “cellar beer” is an unfiltered, naturally carbonated(more on this later) German Pils served young. Brewed with Weyermann Barke Pilsner malt and a combination of Czech and German hops. We implement a double decoction mash which is what Bavarian brewers traditionally will do. This gives us a fuller bodied beer, with layered malt flavor. Spicy, floral, lemon, and light tropical hop aroma and flavor. The beer is naturally carbonated thanks to another German technique called kräusening. We added fresh, young fermenting beer to the finished beer to achieve this. The tank is then capped off so the remaining CO2 created is absorbed into the beer. This gives a softer carbonation sensation on the palate. Medium bodied with a dry/spicy finish. Pours a hazy straw with a fluffy white head