Heritage Lager #4 - Pre-Prohibition Lager
The 4th installment of the Heritage Lager Series is a Pre-Prohibition Style Lager. Popularized by Immigrant German brewers having to utilize the ingredients they had available at the time which was prominently 6-row barley, corn, or rice. The style died out after prohibition ended. Also inspired by beer historian Mike Stein of the research firm Lost Lagers we used a bit of wheat in ours as well based on some of his research. 6-row barley and corn grits round out our grist. Utilizing an older method of mashing called the “American Double Mash” we first cook the grits on their own and then add them to the main mash. A requirement when brewing with grits which was the traditional method. Pre-prohibition style lagers were more robust than modern day American Style lager. Higher alcohol, higher bitterness that is more flavorful. Aroma’s of sweet corn and floral/herbal hops. A robust grainy malt and herbal hop flavor. Medium/light bodied with a medium bitterness. Pours a clear yellow with a white head.
Menu Descriptors - Grainy, Sweet Corn, Floral
-4.3 SRM
-35 IBU
-5.3% ABV
Malts - American 6-row
Adjunct - Corn grits, Flaked Wheat
Hops - US Cluster
Yeast - German Lager